1. Micro Savings

A savings product for all categories of businesses: micro entrepreneur, market women, salary earners, apprentices, children and students.

  • Opening balance as low as N1000.
  • 3% Interest Per annum.
  • Flexible operating conditions.
  • 1000 Minimum Balance

2. Collateral Savings

A saving product designed for customers of the Bank who are intending to secure loan facility from the Bank.

  • Zero Opening Balance
  • 3% Interest per annum
  • Expected to save 20% of loan amount during the loan cycle

3. Target Savings (Esusu)

Target savings is modified daily contributory savings commonly referred to as Esusu. This product is targeted towards persons who generate daily income and salary earners as well. Savings can be daily, weekly or monthly.

Generally, the account can be used to save for any up coming events such as: school fees, wedding, projects and religious celebrations such as easter, sallah and Christmas.

  • Minimum account balance on this savings account is zero
  • Interest rate 3%. This is to act as an additional incentive to the contributor.
  • Issuance of a thrift collection record card
  • Monthly rendition of statement.
  • No references required

4. BOI MFB Term Deposit

BOI TERM Deposit account allows you to fix your money in a fixed deposit account over a period with attractive interest rates.

  • Competitive interest rate
  • Flexible tenure
  • Minimum Deposit of N50,000